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This is Arshiya. I cracked SSC Stenographer 2023 at the age of 20. I am currently pursuing a B.A. from Allahabad University. This was my second attempt, and my main aim is to guide you on how I managed to increase my score from only 95 marks to 148 marks by consistently putting in 9-10 hours of study for two months. However, I must add a disclaimer: my base was already built to some extent, and not everyone has the same kind of background. Also, my shorthand speed was 100 wpm at this particular point, so I left shorthand completely. If you are a beginner, start applying this strategy from now on; otherwise, you will regret it in the end. This exam is not at all difficult to crack; all you need is a smart approach, relevant up-to-date resources, and of course, consistency, which will lead you to score well in the CBT (1st stage) as well as you can qualify the shorthand skill test (2nd stage). As you know,this exam comprises three sections: English, Reasoning and General Awareness....
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Arshiya Fazal
How to write a good essay for upsc in english
The word Essay is defined as a literally composition (usually prose and short)on any subject'.Properly speaking,it is a written composition giving expression to one's own personal ideas or opinions on some topic;but the term usually covers also any written composition, whether it expresses personal opinions,or gives information on any given subject,or details of a narrative or description.So,here is the organised way to write a good essay for upsc in english.It is useful for other competitive exams also.
Every essay should be divided into paragraphs,and each heading should have at least one paragraph to itself.An essay not with a paragraphs looks unattractive,and is not easy to read.In constructing a paragraph these principles should be kept in view:--
i-Unity:The paragraph must treat of one subject only.
ii-Variety: Paragraphs should not all be of the same length or of the same monotonous structure.
iii-Logical sequence of thought
iv-Topical sentence:The most important sentences of a paragraph are the first and the last.In many paragraphs the first sentence states the subject and is called the topical sentence.The concluding sentence may sum up effectively what has been said in the paragraph.
2.Structure of an Essay
We may divide an essay into three parts-the Introduction,the Body of the Essay,and the Conclusion.
i-The Introduction:This,in a short essay,must be very brief,It would be absurd to have the porch bigger than the building itself.It may be simply a sentence,or a very short paragraph.But it should always be arresting and pertinent to the subject.The introduction may consist of a definition or a quote,proverb,very brief story,or general remark, leading up to the subject so that it catches the attention of the reader and this is the way how you can write a good essay for upsc in english.
ii-The Body of the Essay:This is really itself-the house to which the introduction is the front door,and the conclusion the back door.In arranging the body of the essay observe proportion;that is,let each part have due weight given to it,If the subject is 'The good and bad influence of Newspapers,do not devote three quarters of the essay to good influences and so leave only a quarter for the bad.Closely follow your full outline throughout.The paragraphs should be well constructed and should be related to one another according to the direction of your outline;and,as far as possible,the connection between one and another should be shown.Avoid padding and keep to the point, otherwise the reader will loose interest and you will be failed in writing a good essay in english.Take pains in selecting words and phrases which exactly express the ideas which you have in mind;and frame your sentences so that they are quite clear and forceful.Avoid the use of unnecessary words.In revising your essay,look out for useless repetitions and reduntant expressions,and strike them out.Match the words to the sense,and adapt the style to the subject matter.Do not write frivolously on a serious subject,or ponderously on a light and humorous subject.
iii-Conclusion:As the introduction should arouse interest,the conclusion should satisfy it,An effective and satisfying end to an essay is as important as an interesting beginning,An abrupt or feeble ending may spoil the whole effect of the essay.To write a good essay for upsc in english,a good conclusions may consist of:summing up of the arguments of the essay,final conclusion drawn from the subject matter,a suitable quotation,a sentence that strikingly expresses the main point you want to drive home.
3.Style in Writing
To acquire a simple,direct and forceful style in writing calls for constant practice.It does not come 'by nature'.As the poet Pope says:
"Truth ease in writing comes from art,not chance;
As those move easiest who have learned to dance."
The secret of clear writing is clear thinking.So be perfectly clear about what you want to say,and then say it-as directly,as simply,as concisely as possible.Be direct:use short sentences in preference to long and involved periods.Be simple:don't attempt any oratory or flowery language but use simple words and constructions and avoid elaborate words.Never use two words where one will do.Be natural: don't try to imitate any others style, however eloquent,but be yourself.
Here,are the more and important tips by me to write a essay for upsc in english:
1.Firstly,calm your mind and then think for a two minutes.Make a picture or you can say make a structure of your given essay in your brain,you can also write somewhere your thoughts in a short note so you will be clear how you will proceed in your essay.
2.Don't go for a very long essay as it can irritate the reader and once he looses interest in your essay, all your hardwork will be vanished.So,be eloquent with your thoughts and write as per the need of the question.
3.If you want to write a perfect essay you should learn the art of how to use idioms or phrases in your paragraphs and underlined it because it will highlight your essay and make it unique from the rest.You shoud learn some common or easy idioms which you can use in your every essay if you have nothing interesting to write related to your topic.Learn the idioms which are easy yet unique so you can keep them in your mind and use it at the appropriate point.
4.Always don't put down a negative thoughts in your essay as it will leave a bad impact on you.So,always keep up the positive approach first in your essay as it will give positive vibes to your reader.
5.Last but not the least,no one will tell you this but reading books have the greatest impact on how we write,so start reading from now on because it will expand your thinking ability and ofcourse your imagination,you will be able to pen down your thoughts more effectively and in a more organized way and also it enhances your vocabulary to the great extent which you can use in your essays and make it more attractive.
Thankyou for stepping into my account,will bring another type of useful information to you again which help you in many ways.Till then to keep yourself updated follow my blog and comment down below for any queries.
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Nice info