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ssc stenographer preparation strategy

This is Arshiya. I cracked SSC Stenographer 2023 at the age of 20. I am currently pursuing a B.A. from Allahabad University. This was my second attempt, and my main aim is to guide you on how I managed to increase my score from only 95 marks to 148 marks by consistently putting in 9-10 hours of study for two months. However, I must add a disclaimer: my base was already built to some extent, and not everyone has the same kind of background. Also, my shorthand speed was 100 wpm at this particular point, so I left shorthand completely. If you are a beginner, start applying this strategy from now on; otherwise, you will regret it in the end. This exam is not at all difficult to crack; all you need is a smart approach, relevant up-to-date resources, and of course, consistency, which will lead you to score well in the CBT (1st stage) as well as you can qualify the shorthand skill test (2nd stage).   As you know,this exam comprises three sections: English, Reasoning and General Awareness....

Best proverbs in english

Best Proverbs in English

 Meaning of proverbs in english

Proverbs are sayings or observations which have arisen through time.They often present basic truths about life.That truth applies to us today.Like idioms, proverbs too enrich the language.Often we are asked to expand the proverbs into paragraphs or essays.This article is going to super useful for the students who need these to use in their essays,letters,etc.

Best Proverbs for Students

These are the following proverbs which are easy to learn and also easy to use :

1.Absence makes the heart grow founder-Absence  increases or sharpens love or affection.
(Compare with 'Out of sight out of mind' or 'Distance lends enchantment to the view".)

2.Sweet are the uses of adversity-Misfortunes have their won advantages,which can be chastening and elevating.('Failures are stepping-stones to success'.)

3.A soft answer turneth away wrath-A gentle reply serves to turn away another man's anger.(Compare with 'soft words break no bones.')

4.An army marches on its stomach -Food is a prime requisite even for an army.

5.Old fiddles play best-What is old is usually more precious and useful,contrary to our common beliefs;or the tried and experienced person is the most efficient.

6.Birds of a feather flock together-People of similar characters and tastes associate with one-another.Hence a man may be known by the friends he has.

7.One cannot get blood from or out of a stone-One cannot get charity, sympathy,etc.,from a hard or cold-hearted person.

8.Don't judge a book by its cover-Appearance are often misleading and deceptive.(Compare with'A good apple is often rotten at the core'.)

9.It is easier to pull down than to build up-Destructive work is easier than constructive world.

10.A bully is always a coward-Brutality stems from lack of valour.

11.Do not cast pearls before swine-Do not talk to subtle or beautiful or higher things to unappreciative people;or do not waste valuable things on those who cannot appreciate them.

12.A cat may look at a king-An ordinary person may look at royalty without giving offence;or the humble have some privileges in the presence of the greatest.

13.The burnt child dreads the fire-When one has been injured by something,one will be on one's guard against a similar experience.

14.Cleanliness is next to godliness-Cleanliness of body proceeds from due reverence for God,who fashioned the body.

15.Every cloud has a silver lining-In every trouble and difficulty there is hope or expectation of an improvement in the circumstances.

16.Everything comes to him who waits-The one who is patient enough to wait gets whatever he wants,or he is able to have his way.

17.Courtesy costs nothing-It is so easy to be polite.

18.Cowards die often before their death-Cowards are obsessed by the fear of dying,from which brave people are free.

19.Cut your coat according to your cloth-Live within your income;make what you possess serve your needs.In general,make the plans fit the circumstances.

20.Delays are dangerous-Compare with 'Procrastination is the thief of time'.

21.Give the devil his due-Give credit to a person or cause or even to an enemy in the name of justice.

22.Distance lends enchantment to the view-Objects which are close to us do not look so beautiful as those that are far away.(Compare with'Absence makes the heart grow founder'.)

23.What's done cannot be undone-One cannot repair the damage one has caused by one's actions or words.

24.Barking dogs seldom bite-Persons who indulge in threats seldom strike,or, people who bluster or swagger,very seldom act as they speak.

25.Better an open enemy than a false friend-We are on our guard against an open enemy ,but a false friend can stab us in the back.

26.Fast bind,fast find-If a thing is put away securely,it will be found quickly and intact.

27.Where there is no smoke there is fire-Widespread rumours mean there must be some substance of fact behind them;or there is no effect without a cause.

28.Flattery brings friends, truth enemies-We can make friends by flattering People,but when we speak the truth about people,it is likely that we shall alienate them.

29.A fool and his money are soon parted-A foolish person soon squanders all his wealth.

30.A sleeping fox catches no poultry-An idle person gets nothing.

31.Speech is silver,but silence is golden-Speech produces much that is delightful and valuable,but there are times when the most important and precious thing is to say nothing;or speech may be good,silence is better.

31.Haste makes waste-Things done in a haste generally lead to waste.

33.Men make houses,women make homes-It needs a woman's presence and art to turn a house into a home.

34.A little learning is a dangerous thing-Inadequate knowledge may mislead one ad lead to wrong conclusions, principles,etc.(Compare with 'He knows most who speaks least'.)

35.The leopard cannot change its spots-A person cannot change his inherited characteristics.

36.Live and let live-In living the sort of life that one chooses are oneself,one should allow others the right and means to do the same to suit their desires.

37.Man proposes,God disposes-Human beings plan,but God has his own plans;human plans will often fail,but what God has arranged must come to pass.

38.An oak tree is not felled at one stroke-Any great work is not accomplished quickly (Compare with 'Rome was not built in a day'.)

39.Patience is the art of hoping-The patient man hopes that his troubles will someday  be at an end.

40.A watched pot never boils-The result which we await with impatience seems long in materialising.

41.Punctuality is the soul of business-Business can be a success if one is punctual.

42.One cannot put back the clock-One cannot change circumstances and conditions that have occurred, developed,evolved or restore them to the state in which they were before.

43.There is no rose without a thorn-However good or attractive a thing may appear it has its drawback.

44.Time marches on-Time passes quickly.

45.A stitch in time serves nine-Precaution taken in time prevents a major disaster;prompt action at the beginning of some trouble eventually saves a lot of time, energy and expense.

46.The tree is not to be judged by its barks-We must not to be carried away or impressed by external appearances.(Compare with 'A good apple is often rotten at the core'.)

47.If at first you don't succeed,try,try,try again-Perseverance is the key to success.

48.Empty vessels make the most noise-Those  who know or have little,often shout the loudest;or some people are given to boasting because they have to make up for their own ignorance.

49.Wilful waste makes woeful want-What we waste deliberately we shall be sadly wanting some day.

50.The fewer the words the shorter the quarrel-When little is said,a quarrel ends soon.(Compare it with 'Least said,soonest mended'.)

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