A statement or assertion of verified information about something that is the case or has happened is simply called facts.It is exciting way to boost up your knowledge to the next level without getting bored.This article will entertain and educate readers of all ages.Dip into all these facts which is based on space,animals,plants,world, inventions,Earth,etc.
Interesting facts about Earth and Space
1.Lapland which is situated inside the Arctic circle is the land of Midnight Sun,which shines continually for 24 hours a day,for 73 days from mid-May to the end of July.
2.On a small located island in the South Eastern Pacific are scattered about 1000 giant statues.
3.The Russian major Yuri Alexeyevitch Gagarin became the first man to fly in space on April 12th,1961.His spaceship Vostock orbited th Earth for 108 minutes befor returning.
4.An airship is a balloon shaped lighter than air gas aircraft which could carry passengers across the Atlantic,but they were slow and dangerous because they were filled with hydrogen gas which burns easily.
5.US astronaut Alan Shepherd,the commander of Apollo 14,played the first golf shot on the Moon in 1971.
6.If the plane flies at the same speed a shock wave of sound is produced called the 'sonic boom'.
7.When sunlight shines through rain it is split up by the droplets into a rainbow.
8.Sputnik-1 was the first manmade satellite launced by Russia into space.
9.There are more trees in the whole world than the stars in the whole milky way.
10.One day on planet Venus is longer than one year.
Interesting facts about Animals
1.Pandas lives in isolated parts of China,high up in the mountains, They are very rare,and live alones in areas of bamboo forest.
2.Pond skater insects seem to walk on water.They do so because of the surface tension.
3.Only female bees can sting and if the thorn is left in your flesh,the bee cannot sting again.
4.Major difference between hares and rabbits are that hares are larger with longer legs,they do not live underground like the rabbits and are immune to the disease myxomatosis that kills many rabbits.
5.A centepede can have as little as 15 pairs of legs ,or as many as 177 pairs.The word centipede means 100 feet.
6.The puffer fish,which puffs itself up when threatened,is one of the world's most poisonous fish.Many people die each year from eating this fish in Japan.The poison paralyses the nervous system and there is no known antidote.
7.Hermit crabs use abondones mollusc shells as homes.
8.The tuatara is a reptile found only in parts of New Zealand.It belongs to the stegosaurus family and has remained unchanged for over 200 million years,It is our only living contact with the dinosaurs.
9.White rhino is not really white in real but it is the same colour as the black rhino.
10.A sponge is one of the simplest forms of animal life.It feeds by drawing in water through its pores and extracting food.We use the dead skeleton of a sponge to wash our skin.
Interesting facts about Birds
1.Birds of paradise from northern Australia and New Guinea are among the most colourful birds in the world.
2.Hummingbird bird is the only bird which can fly backwards and also keep their bodies perfectly still in mid-air.
3.The male red-headed weaverbird makes a large nest by weaving grasses together.These strong nests may last for a year and can be used many times.
4.The Kiwi from New Zealand has nostrils at the tip of its beak.It sniffs out insects and worms and then pecks them out of the Earth with its long beak.
5.The female hornbill is sealed into her nest in a hollow made by the male.He does this to protect both her and the eggs from dangers such as monkeys.
6.The sooty tern flies over the oceans for 3-10 years before returning to land to breed.
7.A web-footed diving bird,thr cormorant,with a huge appetite for fish.In the East,fisherman use the cormorant to dive underwater to catch fish for them.A metal ring around the bird's neck stops it from swallowing the fish.
8.Parrots stay on their perches while they sleep because they have tendons in its feet that go up into the leg.When it perches the tendons are pulled tight and this makes the bird's toes curl around the perch in a tight grasp.
9.The falcon is hooded so that it is not distracted as it perches on the gloved wrist of the falconer.When the hood is removed the bird takes off a search of game.
10.An ostrich's egg,the biggest bird's egg of all,would take at least 40 minutes to boil.
Interesting facts about plants
1.Bananas grow on tropical plants as tall as trees ,up to 3m high.The bananas grow on a single stalk.The plant is cut down but grows again next season.
2.Although still one of the world's favourite flowers,when it was introduced into Europe 400 years ago the tulip caused 'tulipmania'.Rare bulbs were worth as much as a house, particularly in Holland.
3.Coffee grows on an evergreen shrub in hot climates.Two seeds or beans grow inside a red cherry-like fruit,These beans are roasted and then ground to make coffee.
4.The Venus fly trap closes,traps,then digests any insect that lands on its hair covered leaves.
5.Mistletoe is a evergreen plant and it is a parasite, growing on the branches of various forest and fruit trees.
6.Cotton grows on low bushes in the south eastern states.Cotton is picked,and after cleaning it is spun into thread that can be woven into cloth.
Interesting facts about world
1.The White House was originally built of grey Virginian sandstone,but in August 1814 it was burned by British troops.After the war it was painted white to hide the marks made by the smoke.
2.Many Chinese live all their lives on floating flatbottomed wooden boats called sampans.
3.In Africa salt is valuable,so bars of rock salt wrapped in reeds were used as money.
4.The people of the Arctic are called Eskimo,which means 'eating it raw'.Traditionally,they lived on a diet of raw fish ,walrus,seal blubber and whale skin.
5.Truffles are an expensive food delicacy used in the very best French pates.They look like large spongy walnuts and grow in the ground.
6.The Red Sea owes its name to an algae that gives a red tinge to the water.
7.The water of Dead Sea is seven times more salty than sea water.No fish can live in this water and swimmers float ,but cannot sink.
8.In 1693 Vienna was under siege from the Turks,Men baking bread during the night heard the Turkish armey tunnelling under the city,They raisef the alarm,saved the city and baked crossants in the shape of the crescent Moon on the Turkish flag.
9.When danger threatens,the squid,like the octopus and the cuttlefish,can squirt dark ink fluid to conceal themselves.The ink clouds the water and confuses their enemy.
10.Ludwig Van Beethoven was one of the world's greatest composers.He never heard his nine symphonies or piano concertos,or any of his other compositions during the last ten years of his life as he lose his hearing at the age of 26.
Amazing facts about inventors and inventions
1.Will keith kellogg discovered cornflakes by accident in 1894.His brother was a doctor looking for a food that was easy for patients to digest.Will boiled a pan of wheat and form its contents through up the idea of cornflakes.
2.The zip fastener or zipper with small interlocking teeth was invented back in 1890 by American Whitecomb Judson.It took about 20 years before his invention was satisfactory.The zip was first used on snow boots.
3.A sailmaker,Oscar Levi-Strauss,in San Francisco in 1850 invented jeans.The original jeans were brown until blue denim was used.
4.John Montagu,the fourth Earl of Sandwich,is said to have invented the sandwich in 1792.
5.President Theodore Roosevelt was out hunting in Mississippi in 1902 when he refused to shoot a bear cub.The story was reported in the newspaper and after that the first toy bears were made, known as Teddy's bear.
6.The Romans ate ices of fruit juice and wine added to snow.The explorer Marco Polo returned to Venice from the Orient in 1295 with recipes for ice cream made with milk.
7.Mount Everest was first climbed in 1953 by Sir Edmund Hillary and the Sherpa,Tensing Norgay.They planted the flags of Britain,Nepal,India and the U.N. on the top.
8.In 1938 Laslo Biro invented the ballpoint pen.He was a Hungarian journalist and realised that the quick-drying ink he had seen used by the printing trade could be adapted for use in a pen.
9.The toy named yo-yo came into the USA in the 1920s from the Phillippines where the word 'yo-yo' means 'come come'.
10.Archemedes was a great mathematician and scientist born in 287 BC who was remembered for discovering a fact that became known as 'Archimedes Principal'.Archimedes made this startling discovery while he was in his bath.He was so excited that he rushed out in the street naked shouting "Eureka!".This is Greek for "I have found it!".
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